- Typology
- Reuse
- Project
- Partner
in collaboration with Dezernat VI Technik und Bauten at the University of Stuttgart & Universitätsbauamt Stuttgart und Hohenheim (UBA)
- Client
for: Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture, Cultural Theory and Design (IGMA)
- year
- 2018 -
- Location
- Fakultät für Architektur, Technische Universität, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
- Conversion and redesign of the Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture, Cultural Theory and Design (IGMA)'s rooms at the University of Stuttgart on the occasion of its 50th jubilee in 2018.
- execution of construction work
- Götz Schweikardt (Dezernat VI Technik und Bauten der Universität Stuttgart)
- contracting
- N.N. (Universitätsbauamt Stuttgart und Hohenheim)
- special thanks
- Dr. Ellen Pietrus, Sachgebiet Untere Denkmalschutzbehörde Stadt Stuttgart
Fig.004© c/o now
Fig.008© c/o now
Fig.006© c/o now
Fig.002Jürgen Joedickes archive stored in Verena Hartbaums office in the week the new IGMA-Team moves in in April 2018.
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Fig.007© c/o now
Fig.003© c/o now
Fig.005In 1962 architectural magazine „Das Werk“ from Switzerland discusses the new Kollegiengebäude I. Author Walter Münz writes:
„The execution of the building with exposed concrete and of the inner, not bearing walls with nice yellow brick is objective in detail and proportion. Surprising is the use of teakwood, a pronounced luxurious material, as handrails and casing for the shafts in the stairwells. The combination of a relative cheap building material, exposed concrete, with a luxurious material shows the insufficient scale concerning the use of materials. A university building should differ from buildings of industry and trade by its noble modesty; which is not the case here. The exaggerated luxury, which can almost always be recognized at west-german educational buildings, is pedagogical-wise very dangerous: students and pupils get used to prosperity instead of helping building it up with their own work.“
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